Our Biomedical Scientist
Reviewed based on
Literature Discussion
Last update
September 2020

What is Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia is a disorder that leads to extensive musculoskeletal pain and occurs in combination with fatigue, sleep, memory, and mood issues. It is thought that fibromyalgia increases painful sensations by affecting the way your brain processes pain signals.1
Symptoms 2
- Extensive pain throughout the body
- Fatigue
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Cognitive impairments
- Difficulty to focus, pay attention, and concentrate on mental tasks known as “fibro fog”.
Up to this date, the cause of fibromyalgia is not yet known. However, it is suggested that there are three factors that may increase the risk of developing fibromyalgia1:
- Genetics
There may be certain genetic mutations running in families that may increase the risk of developing fibromyalgia - Physical or emotional trauma
Stressful events such as a car accident or death of a loved one - Infections or injury
The connection between Cannabinoids & Fibromyalgia
Studies find that CBD and THC may have great therapeutic potential and may be used to help treat Psoriasis. CBD and THC are well-known cannabinoids, however, they do not have the same psychoactive effects. THC is psychoactive while CBD does not possess psychoactive effects. According to WHO guidelines, the cannabidiol CBD is generally well tolerated with a good safety profile.
Preclinical evidence proposes that the cannabinoid THC may be therapeutic in the treatment of fibromyalgia as cannabinoids may possess analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.3
The literature discussion is an overview of the published results from scientific studies investigating if and how cannabinoids can be beneficial in the treatment of Fibromyalgia. The overview will be updated regularly to ensure the newest and most accurate information.
Symptoms of fibromyalgia may be relieved by cannabinoids
In a recent review about the effects of cannabinoids, it was reported that symptoms of fibromyalgia can be treated by Nabilone (a synthetic cannabinoid-based drug).4
In another review, it was also shown that fibromyalgia-related pain can be treated by cannabinoids.5
However, another review stated that there is a lack of evidence to declare that fibromyalgia-related symptoms can be treated by cannabinoids.6
One study found that cannabis use led to stiffness and pain reduction and increased relaxation, somnolence as well as a feeling of well-being in patients with fibromyalgia.7
Cannabinoid drugs and THC may improve quality of life
In a subpopulation of patients with fibromyalgia, reduced pain perception was observed upon THC administration (2.5-15 mg). The authors proposed that this decreased pain perception can be due to the analgesic effect of THC.8 (Schley et al., 2006).
In patients with fibromyalgia, improvement in pain reduction, and life quality were observed upon the use of the synthetic cannabinoid-based drug Nabilone.9
Clinical trials are research studies that examine new treatments and evaluate their effects on human health outcomes.
Today, we are not able to provide any clinical trials about cannabinoids and Fibromyalgia.
literature - Walitt, B., Et al., (2016). “Cannabinoids for fibromyalgia. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 7, CD011694”.
- Lynch, M. E., Campbell, F., (2011). “Cannabinoids for treatment of chronic non-cancer pain; a systematic review of randomized trials. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 72(5), 735-744”.
- Fitzcharles, M. A., Et al., (2016). ” Efficacy, tolerability and safety of cannabinoids in chronic pain associated with rheumatic diseases (fibromyalgia syndrome, back pain, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis). Schmerz (Berlin, Germany), 30(1), 47-61.
- Fiz et al., (2011). ” Cannabis use in patients with fibromyalgia: effect on symptoms relief and health-related quality of life. PloS One, 6(4), e18440”.
- Schley et al., (2006). “Delta-9-THC based monotherapy in fibromyalgia patients on experimentally induced pain, axon reflex flare, and pain relief. Current Medical Research and Opinion, 22(7), 1269-1276”.
- Skrabek, R. Q., Et al., (2007). ”Nabilone for the treatment of pain in fibromyalgia. The Journal of pain: Official Journal of the American pain Society, 9(2), 164-173”.
Below you find the plant cannabinoids, cannabinoid receptors, and endocannabinoids that are associated with the potential therapy.
If you have any further information relevant to the connection between Fibromyalgia and cannabinoids or find any of the information inaccurate, outdated or incomplete please contact us here.